

Alter                    4



Zicke Zacke

Duck neXT to the barn


Animals are hiding near dung heaps and the barn and need to be found. Each player takes the dung heap of his chosen color and sets it out on the table, the barn is placed between any two players. Then – depending on the number of players – a certain number of hide cards are placed next to the barn and each dung heap. The stack of seek cards is prepared, too, you randomly remove 5 red-backed cards before shuffling the stack and setting it in the middle. The slapping cards for each player and the barn are arranged around this stack. The top seek card is turned up: If you spot this animal anywhere you slap your hand onto the slapping card corresponding to the location of the animal. If you are correct you receive the animal and place it next to your dung heap. If you make a mistake you place one of your animals next to the barn. The player who received the animal turns up the next card. If a poop card is turned up the same animal as in the last turn is searched for again. If you have the searched-for animal yourself and slap correctly, you keep it. When all cards have been turned up, you win with most animals next to your dung heap. For an advanced game you may, if you slapped correctly, switch the card just slapped with another card.

This game is basically very simple, but offers an unusual and interesting mix of mechanism, found cards are not taken out of the game but go to the finder and can change owner again when another seek card is turned up. But there will not be two cards for every animal! So you need to remember which animals you have and protect them by slapping correctly and fast!


Spieler         : 2-5

Alter            : ages 4+

Dauer           : ca. 20 min


Autor           : Marek Zoschl

Grafik          : Doris Matthäus

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 10 Euro

Verlag          : Zoch 2011



Genre                    : Search game with cards

Zielgruppe             : For children


Version                           : multi

Rules                              : de en fr it

In-game use of language   : no




Game family Zicke Zacke

Topic fits well into this series

Mix of memory, searching and reaction

Unusual mix for the age of the target group



Other search games


Zufall                            1





Gedächtnis          2


Interaktion                   2

Geschicklichkeit  3

Action                  3