

The cult band „Länquitsch“ made an emergency landing and needs a passwort for the helicopter, the letters in that password can be found on the islands of the vocabulantis-group. Each player has a band member and two rubber dinghy chips, the islands are connected by bridges. The players start with any word made up of red letters, then the players solve tasks to move to an island over bridges or per rubber dinghy. If the letter of the island is in the password, the letter is turned over to white, who reaches the helicopter with a complete white word winds.


Language learning game * 2-6 players * for 2nd year English * Bearbeitung: Alicia Webstar * 60130 7, Germany, 2004 * Kooperation with Ernst Klett Sprachen Gmbh * Megableu 2001 *** Zoch Verlags GmbH * info@zoch-verlag.com * www.zoch-verlag.com