Catching Ants with magnets
Spiders Roberto and Klaus are letting their spider Spinderella down on a rope, they want to play and grab ants that are running a marathon in the track below and take them back to the start. Roberto and Klaus move on top on the spider web board and with their movement move Spinderella who hangs on the rope.
Each player puts his three ants on the starting spot. In your turn you roll all three dice. When the green picture die shows a spider you move Roberto or Klaus on top on the spider web board, as many steps as the white die indicates. You must take care to never leave more than 2 red dots distance between the two spiders, because otherwise they might lose Spinderella. When Spinderella descends on an ant she catches this and and puts it back to start. If you catch an opposing ant you can move one of your own. For an ant on the green die you move one of your ants according to the brown die. When your ant, at the end of its move, ends on a spot with ants or bark, it goes on top. The bark can only carry two ants. When ants sit on top of the ant that you move you carry them along. For a leaf on the green die you move the bark piece and then move spiders or an ant. Ants that sit beneath the bark cannot move. If you are first to have all ants at the finish, you win, you may leave steps unused to reach the finish.
This is pure fun! And then there is also spatial thinking and an eye for distances - where need the ants on top move so that Spinderella will catch an ant, and if possible not one of your own? Components, game idea, and story - all is of the finest and was rewarded with Kinderspiel des Jahres 2015.
Players: 2-4
Age: 6+
Time: 20+
Designer: Roberto Fraga
Artist: Doris Matthäus
Price: ca. 30 Euro
Publisher: Zoch Verlag 2015
Genre: Dice, collect, magnetism,
Users: For children
Version: multi
Rules: de en fr it + es
In-game text: no
Simple rules
Wonderful 3D components
Good mix of dexterity and planning
Compares to:
Games using magnetic collecting
Other editions:
Gigamic, Devir
Chance (pink): 2
Tactic (turquoise): 1
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 2
Dexterity (green): 2
Action (dark green): 2