Pig 10


Everyone receives three cards, the remaining cards form the draw stack. You play a card on the discard stack and name the new stack value of old stack value + new card. Then you draw a card. When the stack value reaches exactly 10, you call “Pig 10”, take the stack and set it down before you. When the value is higher than 10, your right neighbor gets the stack. The mermaid card of value 5 you can add or subtract. A second identical card can be added or the value can be taken as new stack value. The frog card sets the stack value to 0. When all cards are played, you win with most cards.


A card game on numbers for 2-8 players, ages 6 and up * Designer: Ayelet Pnueli * Art: Claudia Stöckl, Oliver Richtberg * ca. 20 min * 29900 6, Germany, 2010 *** ZochVerlags GmbH * info@zoch-verlag.com * www.zoch-verlag.com