

Misch Masch

Peliphant searches a trunk


Carnival in the jungle; all animals want to wear costumes, but somebody has mixed them up and now animals are running about trying to complement their costumes suitably. There are 60 cards with mixed animals, e.g. half dolphin, half crocodile, six chameleon cards for jokers, six cards with only half an animal and an empty half and six real animals.

All cards are shuffled together, and you are dealt seven cards, one card from the face-down draw pile begins the discard pile. If you are fastest to place a suitable card on the discard pile, you begin; to be suitable the card must, in combination with the top card on the discard pile, result in an animal that really exists. Then all continue to play in clock-wise direction and discard a suitable card to form an animal combining the top card from the stack and a card from their hand. If someone should hold a card that suits both halves of the top card, e.g. the Peliphant for the Elecan on top of the stack, he can discard it even if it is not his turn. If you cannot play a card, you must draw a card, but may discard it, if it suits.

If someone plays a real animal, this triggers a special action - either all draw one card or, whoever has fewest cards, must draw two cards, even if it is you yourself who must do this. If you play a suitable card with only one animal half, the next player must pass his turn. And, of course, a chameleon is always suitable. If you are out of cards, you win!

Cute, quick and simple as well as easy. And enchantingly illustrated, too, the animal combinations are adorable! Misch Masch is an excellent game for children and a fun family game as a filler game, too.


Players: 2-6

Age: 6+

Time: 20+

Designer: Bettina Katzenberger

Artist: Tina Kothe

Price: ca. 8 Euro

Publisher: Zoch Verlag 2017


Genre: Card shedding

Users: For children

Version: multi

Rules: de en

In-game text: no



Enchanting illustrations

Simple, good rules

Very good game for children

Also, a nice family filler game


Compares to:

Mix Max and other games using different card halves


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 1

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0