Mana Mana


Displaying up to six cards of one image with you or another player earns you Mana which you use to acquire more cards. You start with one image card in hand, five are on display. In turn, you can either take cards of one color from the display and refill the display, maximum 10 cards in hand, or place cards- If you take cards, you take one or more of the same color and pay for the second and every additional one with one mana token each. If you place cards, you place them with you yourself, in a color you do not yet have on display, or with another player in a color that they have already on display. This gives you Mana. When six cards of the same color are with a player, no card of that color can be added. At the end you count your cards on display and your mana tokens and win with the highest total.


Card and set collecting game for 2-6 players ages 8+


Publisher: Zoch Verlag 2022

Designer: Peter Jürgensen

Art: Matthias Holländer, Stephanie Geßler


Stock #: 60 110 5163


Users: For families


Version: de en fr it * Rules: de en fr it * In-game text: no