Jochen der Rochen


Jochen celebrates his birthday with a big underwater party on a wobbly dance floor. The floor is filled with wooden fish and Jochen. In his move a player presses the dance floor downwards and tries to let a fish of each colour slide off the floor. A player can end his move any time, he receives one piece of cake for each fish of a different colour, but only if Jochen has not slid off and there is no second fish of the same colour. If a player manages to collect a fish of each colour, his opponents loose one piece of cake each. For the next player all fish go back onto the floor. If a player has 20 pieces of cake he wins, or else the player with the most pieces when all pieces have been distributed.


Dexterity game * 2-6 players from age 4 * Designer: Manfred Ludwig * Graphic: * ca. 30 min * 24800 4, Zoch, Germany, 2004 *** Zoch Verlags GmbH * *