Hickhack in Gackelwack


Players are birds and foxes at the same time and try to collect most corn and poultry. Each hen coop is loaded with corn. Everybody plays two cards face down and the coops are scored by comparing cards of this colour: A fox alone gobbles up all poultry, a fleeing „flying poultry“ takes one corn in passing, and a single bird eats up all corn. If there are more than one birds or foxes in a colour, the distribution is determined by rolling dice or by negotiation. When all corn is given out, you win with the highest total from corn and cards.


A game of acquisition for 2-6 players, ages 8 and up * Designer: Stefan Dorra * ca. 30 min * 20012, Germany, 2001 * Zoch Verlags GmbH * www.zoch-verlag.com