Heckmeck am Karteneck


Fried worms and grilled snails, á la carte! Roasted worm portions  = RWPs equal to the number of players are laid out, you receive 6 cards out of 85 number cards 1-5 and 25 worm cards, value 5. In your turn you can play or quit. To play, you lay out one or more cards of the same type, but must use a type that is not yet in your display. Then you draw a card. If you cannot or want not lay out, you quit and draw card(s). If you quit and have no worm card in your display, you take the lowest RWP on display. If you quit with a worm in your display you ca steal a RWP from another player if the sum of your cards equals the value of his RWP. When all have quit, all with valid display take one of the remaining RWPs. You discard your display and play the next round with your remaining cards in hand, new RWPs are laid out. When all RWPs are given out, you win with most worms on your RWPs.


Collecting game with cards for 2-6 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Zoch Verlag 2021

Designer: Reiner Knizia

Art: Doris Matthäus, Stephanie Geßler

Web: www.zoch-verlag.com

Stock #: 60 110 5166


Users: For families


Version: de en fr it * Rules: de en fr it * In-game text: no