Burg Appenzell


As a mouse in the castle you set out to collect cheese chips. The mice start in the towers and use 4 action points to turn up a roof, move your mice or change the board by inserting a tile on red flags. If there is no mouse in a section, the roof is put back. If you move two of your mice onto the same cheese symbol you receive this chip as a reward. When the board is shifted a mouse can fall through a hole and can be trapped. If one player is left with only one mouse, the game ends and you compare your amounts of chips. You win with one chip of each kind or with most cheese chips.


A game of sliding and collecting for 2-4 players, ages 6 and up * Designers: Bernhard Weber, Jens-Peter Schliemann * Art: Viktor Boden * ca. 30 min * 267005, Zoch, Germany, 2007 *** Zoch GmbH * www.zoch-verlag.com