Sound Jack!


The grand audio quiz on pop cluture! A game unit like a microphone on a plinth with five buttons in yellow, green, blue, red and purple. You select a color button and the game mode for player ages 8+ or 15+ and are tasked with recognizing as many sounds as possible. Game Master Jack names a category and then plays the sound - whoever presses his button first, can answer, but must do so before the gong sounds - after the gong Jack gives the solution. If solution and answer correspond, the other players press the Smiley-Button. Jack also announces the game and and scores; you win with 20 or more points.


Sound-Quiz for 2-5 players, ages 8/15+


Publisher: Zanzoon / HUCH! 2018

Designer: not named

Art: not named


Stock#: 061 829


Users: For families

Age: 8


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes