

Boards and rules - each player has a board with letters, rolls a die and can only move the resulting number of steps if he can name as many words as the small number in the case indicates, beginning with the letter in the case and from a category determined at the start of the game. OR all letters in the game are written on slips of paper and one letter is drawn at a time - if you have it on your board you cover it and win, if you are first to cover your board. OR you draw a letter and must form a sentence with words starting with the drawn letter and the two adjacent ones in its column on the board, the first to do so scores a point and you win with the agreed number of points.

In Wunderwelt Special Issue #24, together with Freie Fahrt! On the same pages #16 and #17


Dice and Word finding game for 2-5 players, no age given 


Publisher: Österreichischer Jugendverlag / Wunderwelt 1956

Artist: Teja Aicher

Stock #: SH24


Users: For children


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game-text: yes