

Alter                    6

Spezial                 1



Scheiben setzen, damit die Kugel rollt


The board is laid out and each player places for pins in any order in the four holes on his side of the board. This order is also the order in which you must put the ball into the four coloured holes in the corners of the board. If you are the first to complete this task you win the game.

You roll the die and can then manipulate the number of discs corresponding to the number you rolled. You can take them off the border of the board or place them or do both in any mixture within the limit set by the dice result. There is only one rule: you must not touch the board with your fingers. To take off discs you must use the two sticks. It is entirely up to you how you place discs – very carefully, with a lot of force, drop them, or place them very very slowly. If discs fall off the board during your turn, you cannot put them back.

Manipulating to discs moves the board and thus sets the ball rolling. If it rolls into the hole in the colour of your leftmost pin, you can remove the pin, the ball is set into the middle of the board. If you have discs left, you can try for the next hole. If the ball rolls into the wrong hole, your turn ends, the ball is set into the middle. If the ball stays on the board, your turn ends, too. The next player must wait until the ball has come to a complete standstill. Expert wobblers can try for the wobble pawn. If you roll a 1 you get a pawn and can use it immediately or keep it for further use.

This is the way to play and have fun! Simple rules and be alone responsible for what you do with ball and discs! All others have fun watching and giving good advice!


Spieler         : 1-4

Alter            : ages 6 and up

Dauer           : ca. 30 min


Autor           : Ad Bruynzeel

Grafik          : Identity Games

Titel englisch          : Wobble

Preis            : ca. 30,00 Euro

Verlag          : Winning Moves 2010        


Genre                    : Balance game

Zielgruppe             : For families

Mechanismen         : Move ball by using discs to move board



Very simple rules

Needs a lot of motor skills

A lot of fun in playing

Directing the ball gets easier with experience



All balance games in general, first game with this combination of mechanisms


Zufall                            2

Taktik                  2






Interaktion                   1

Geschicklichkeit  3

Action                  3