Terra Nova
Players find new land with
meadows, fields and woods and want to own as much of it as possible. In his
turn a player must use three actions, either moving a piece or placing a cairn,
the first action always has to be a move. If this is not possible, a player
must pass. A move goes straight over any distance, the most until stopped by
another piece, a cairn or the edge of the board. A cairn is placed next to a
piece that has just been moved. A closed area may only contain a maximum of three
different landscapes, scored are the number of different landscapes in the area
x number of hexes in the area. The player with the highest score wins the game.
Placement and position game * 2-4 players from age 10
* Designers: Rosanna Leocata, Gaetano
Evola * Graphics: Michael Menzel
* ca. 60 min * 20394, Winning Moves,