


Spezial                 2


Plateau X

Climb step by step


You want to climb the ever-changing board using ever-changing paths and at the end be the one with his marker in a position higher than those of the other markers. The game comprises 49 tiles, 8 of them in the shape on 1 square, 4 tiles are made up from 2 squares and 37 tiles are made up from 3 squares, arranged as a chevron.

The basic rule is, that the surface of such a tile is a surface higher than the board itself. When a tile is placed on the board, markers can be placed on it. One or more connected tiles in one level are a plateau. A tile is connected if it borders another other tile with one complete edge. Four players use the big board with 40 squares, each player has one marker, 1 2-tile and 2 1-tiles. You either place on of your tiles or one of the chevrons from the general stock. Or you move your own marker or enter the marker onto the board. If squares are covered by a tile, the must be on the same plane, and one tile may not cover another identical tile to be flush with it. The marker is placed onto an empty square, it cannot start on a tile and can move any distance. One step of the marker is a step to the next square or one level lower or one level higher, a marker cannot enter a plateau where another marker already is present. Two tiles on a plateau that has been formed by connecting two separate plateaus are allowed.

Ever-changing possibilities and ever-changing paths, you must watch events on the board carefully and keep an eye on the plateaus to climb higher and stay on top of the others! A challengingly different game!


Spieler         : 2-4

Alter            : ages 10 and up

Dauer           : ca. 30,00


Autor           : Hendrik Simon

Grafik          : Claus Stephan, Jürgen van Straelen

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 30,00 Euro

Verlag          : Winning Moves 2010



Genre                    : placement game

Zielgruppe             : With friends

Mechanismen         : Place tiles, advance marker



Very strategic for two, some chance mixed in in a four-player game

Interesting rules

Keeping an eye on changes is necessary



Die Aufsteiger and other games demanding highest position of a marker to win



Taktik                  3

Strategie__                  2





Interaktion                   3

