Monopoly Der Hobbit


Monopoly with a film topic, The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey. The board is nicely decorated in the style of the film, but keeps up the basically standard allocation of spots, Start, Jail and Parking; roads have been changed to characters from the film; train stations and power stations have turned into weapons or locations; Community cards and event cards have become “Rätsel-Spiel” and “Zwergenschatztruhe”. Houses and hotels have not been adapted. Playing pieces are Gandalfs Hat, Thorins Key, Gloin’s Axe, Filis Bow, a spike and of course The One Ring.

Contrary to other license or theme editions there is no rules expansion or additional rule specific for the special topic; the rules, too, have only been marginally adapted to the topic: The rules still mention roads and tax spots in connection with „Zwergen füttern“ or „Höhlenrücklage.


Roll & Move game with a license topic, for 2-4 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Winning Moves 2012

Designer: not named

Art: not named


Stock #: 42570


Users: For families

Age : 10


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes