Monopoly Deluxe First Edition 1935


Monopoly – the classic game of the last 80 years, a dice- and movement game with an economics subject, the first of all games on land, money and houses, rents and leases. One rolls the die, moves, buys the lot of real estate one lands on or pays rent to the owner, builds houses and hotels on one’s own lots. The player to use his starting money best and has a little luck in rolling the die will be the winner with the most money at the end of the game, given that he passes “Go” often enough and does not have to spend too much time in prison. Reproduction of the original game published in 1935.

Licenced by Hasbro, manufactured and distributed by Winning Moves Games


Dice- and movement game * 3-8 players from age 8 * Original idea: Charles Darrow *  ca. 60 min * 1009, Winning Moves, USA *** Winning Moves Inc.