This is the crossword game for all those who do not like to wait for their turn. Here everybody plays at the same time against a timer. Each player has a stock of 22 letters, from which he draws 6 letters. Now he has 30 seconds to form a five-letter-word, at the sound of the timer he passes the 6th letter to his neighbor, draws 2 new letters and has now again 30 seconds to form a word or words in cross-word-manner from 7 letters, one letter is again passed on. In each 30 second-period the players need to place two letters more, if possible. They can always rearrange their cross-word, after 5 minutes all 22 letters should be used for the cross-word. At the end of the game points are awarded for the letters, 1 for black, 3 for green and 5 for red.


Word game * 2-4 players from age 12 * Author: Tom Kremer * ca. 60 min * 2002 8, Winning Moves, 2000 *** Winning Moves Deutschland GmbH * Belsenplatz 2 * D-40545 Düsseldorf * Fon: +49-211-5579180 * Fax: +49-211-5579230