

Husky sleigh races in Alaska with all parameters from load limit and feeding the dogs on long runs. Six mushers begin the race from Anchorage to Nome, depending on the latitude the weather can be sunshine or catastrophic. Before the race starts, huskies are trained and prefare weather types according to their training. You begin with eight dogs and roll one die per dog; speed is regulated by the number of dog symbols rolled; turn order is auctioned. Chips give you an early start or you can force a re-roll, or let you take away dice from other placers, give you better chances in mountain cases or in case of avalanches, or let you throw avalanches at other players or overtake other sleighs. Weather equal to training weather gives a bonus; at each stage, you lose a dog: Resting places give you dogs and chips if you pass a turn.


Race game * Edition 1200 * 2-6 players, ages 10+ * Designer: Alan R. Moon * WW LE 006/11, White Wind, Deutschland / USA, 1994 *** White Wind Games