Black Death is ravaging Europe. Players as princes of their realms rival for succession to the dead King; they travel across the land searching for followers. You visit buildings to acquire various advantages and followers, but, after all, Black Death is afoot and you should keep an eye on the rats.

Depending on the number of players you play between eight and ten rounds, each round comprises five phases:

Draw new building cards, supplements, enter building and play population cards, score buildings and end of round. For supplements you use the supplement action on one of the face-up cards on display and then choose one of the buildings; there you mark the first spot in this building and name the number of cards you want to use and then place them on the table face-down. Then buildings are scored; first each player scores the cards he played for himself - for influence for each population card you play, a rat for each card that does not correspond to the special action of the chosen building and effects in relation to special cards; then all players can implement the special action of the chosen building, with the exception of the last round.

In the end you score victory points for most influence on the guilds, most population and joker cards in hand and for majorities with special cards in play. But, should you have accumulated more rats than there are nuns pictured in the Nunnery Row you die; among the survivors you win with most victory points.

An excellent transformation of the board game into a card game, well planable despite the Nunnery Row for a chance element, forcing you to keep a close watch on the amount of rats you are collecting.


Players: 2-5

Age: 10+

Time: 45+

Designer: Åse & Henrik Berg

Art: Alexandre Roche

Price: ca. 26 Euro

Publisher: White Goblin Games 2012


Genre: Card game

Users: With friends

Version: de

Rules: de en fr nl + es hu ru

In-game text: no                                          



Good Components

Well-written, concise rules

Very attractive implementation of the board game


Compares to:



Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 3

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0