Jet Set Jumbo Jets



Five new modules for Jet Set: 1. Jumbo Jets are used in links, other planes in the link are removed and they block the links for further planes. 2. Charter Flight – an additional board and the action option charter flight, you need to own all links from start to destination for such a flight. 3. Hotels – You begin with two hotels, have hotel building as action option and, when you acquire a flight card and have a hotel in a city on the card, you receive money. 4. City Bonus – the first player with a flight from or into a city receives a bonus. 5. Final Flight Cards – three options for incorporating them into the game.


Expansion for Jet Set for 2-6 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Wattsalpoag 2016

Designer: Kris Gould

Art: Mike Raabe


Stock Nr. WAP 20102


Users: With friends


Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr * In-game text: no