Space Maze 


As UFO captain we want to salvage an ancient relic from the Space Maze. A maze is set out of tiles showing door halves in three primary colors, the relic sits in the middle.  Your team of three aliens in three secondary colors can only move through doorways in the maze which show the primary colors in the color of the alien, to form those doorways you change the maze using action cards to turn or swap tiles.

At the start of a round you roll all dice, movement and use two cards are determined by your selection of three of those dice. Picking up the relic costs one movement points and earns you a marker; with the relic you can use any doorway. With three markers or the relic in your own UFO you win.


Placement game with dice and cards for 2-4 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Wacky Works 2011

Designer: Michel Baudoin

Art: Michel Baudoin


Stock#: WWSM01


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de en nl * In-game text: no