Dwar7s Fall


Dwarves prepare for winter - collecting gems, building castles and storing food. Collected gems are swapped for food, but you also need to defeat dragons and frost giants who stop mining or cancel castle actions. In a turn you have three actions - place a kingdom tile or place a dwarf on a tile or move a dwarf by one tile. Tiles show the number of dwarves of one color necessary for resolving an action. After resolving the action you take back your dwarves. Victory points are collected by completing tasks from Trading or Secret Tasks, from defeated monsters and collected gems.


Worker Placement and set collecting for 2-4 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Vesuvius Media / Mage Company 2016

Designer: Luís Brüeh

Art: Luís Brüeh

Web: www.vesuviusmedia.com

Stock #: 117627


Users: With friends


Version: en * Rules: cn en fr gr pt ru * In-game text: no