Schwedisches Steckhalma
Solitaire game; 33 pins are placed in a board with 34 holes - one hole is left empty, usually the one in the center of the board. Then you remove pins by jumping over them, the jumped-over pin is removed. Jumps are orthogonally, not diagonally, and contrary to moves in Halma you cannot move a pin into an adjacent slot. Aim of the game is to end up with one pin only, some editions demand that the last pin sits in the center slot.
Dated befor 1989, probably around 1965; Stock # indicates VEB product; the company existed under various names and within several state combines; re-founded in 1992
Publisher: VEB Holzspielwaren Vero Olbernhau
Users: For families
Special: 1 player
Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no