ALIAS 20 Questions


After a long long time under the roof of several Hasbro brands one of the classic games in the genre of quiz and communications has found a new home with University Games and has been re-issued in a deluxe edition.

The game features cards in the categories of „Who am I?“, „What am I?“ and „Where am I?“, the cards are shuffled and stacked face-down; each card shows 20 clues and the answer. Players in turn work as clue giver. You take the card and name the category. The player to the left of the clue giver is active player and names a number between 1 and 20; the clue giver reads out the clue on the card corresponding to the number and marks the number on the board. Then the active player has 10 seconds to answer. If he does not answer or answers wrongly the next player chooses a clue and can then answer. If the player guesses correctly, he and the clue giver share 20 points. The clue giver gets 1 point for each chip on the board, that is, for each clue given, and the active player gets 1 point for each clue not used. Both players move their markers accordingly. Among the 20 clues on a card can lurk instructions for actions, moving the marker or other such things. If you are the first to reach the finish, you win.

After all this time Querdenker still features a well-working and interesting mechanism and this edition is absolutely up to date, all terms are brand-new and do not come from the usual trivia categories. Another positive feature is the unusual, rather retro design of the box, the box is pretty! Sometimes it is astonishing that one can find 20 clues to describe something, for instance thermometer!


Players: 2+

Age: 10+

Time: 45+

Designer: not stated

Artist: not stated

Price: ca. 23 Euro

Publisher: University Games


Genre: Quiz game on definitions

Users: With friends

Special: Many players

Version: de

Rules: de en fr nl no

In-game text: yes



Still good and interesting after such a long time * classy components * many question cards * good for homogenous groups


Compares to:

20 Questions and other editions of Querdenker


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 3

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 3

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0