Geisterjäger John Sinclair
Kartendeck Ewige Jugend
Role-play & adventure book, based on the John Sinclair novelettes from Bastei-Lübbe Verlag. A solo adventure enables you to access the genre, you are presented with the situation and decide on an action; the decisions determines another segment in the book, you read it and take a decision, etc. The multiple player adventure also takes places in the Horror Village, but features a lot more details; players use one of the pre-set characters or create their own. There is detailed information for the narrator and background information on the world of John Sinclair.
Ewige Jugend - This card deck is a supplement of cards that allow a group pf players to integrate aspects of the adventure book Ewige Jugend into their game, featuring all spial actions from the book and two new general narrator action. Four Ghostjunter decks features 23 cards each with weapons, equipment and secret knowledge from Ewige Jugend. A bonus in each set is a new weapon not yet featured in an adventure book, “Silberwurfmesser”.
Supplement for the role-play adventure game, for 1 or more players, no age given
Publisher: Ulisses Spiele 2010
Designer: Christian Günther, Markus Plötz, Mario Truant
Art: Karsten Schreurs, Christian Günther
Users: With friends
Special: 1 player
Version: de * Rules: - * In-game text: yes