Streit in Antalya
Simulation game for developing of counties in a province. Three groups represent two county commissions and one commission of the highest-ranking functionary of the province, called Vali. Players are one chair of the commission plus six (for the Vali) or seven advisors and one secretary to keep minutes of proceedings, he has an advisory vote, all other members of the commissions have full voting rights. Each group receives prepared information; there are two parts of the game. In part 1, each county commission confers independently while the Vali informs himself on the situation in the counties. In part 2, there is the joint conference with the Vali, which ends with the announcement and written justification of the Vali’s decision.
Published early 1970, mentioned already in 1971 and 1973 in scientific publications
Didactic model on developing a province, for 26 players and 1 game master
Publisher: Tellus Verlag
Designer: Gottfried Hausmann, Jörn Wittern, Gudrun Frevert, Klaus Kube
Art: Klaus Goede, Norbert Gottwald
Users: For experts
Special: Many players
Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes