

The Minion Recipes

Card drafting to create minions


Annual competition for alchemists - who will create the most valuable minions?

The display of round and recipes cards is prepared, as is the stack of pot and element cards.

From this stack, you are dealt five cards. You choose a card, put it down face-down and hand on your remaining cards, as stated by the round card, to your left or to your right; or, as an alternative, you can pass and you discard your remaining cards in hand; you must pass, if you have only one card in hand.

If you did pass and could reveal a pot card from your drafted cards, you can doe so, but are not forced to do so. But, you cannot create a minion in this round, if you do not reveal a pot card.

Then, each player in turn, starting with the one who revealed the most valuable pot, can create one of the minions available on recipes cards and discard the necessary elements; the first player to do so gets the round card. When the symbol of an element corresponds to the element symbol of the recipe card, the value of the element card for use in creating a minion is doubled.

After five such rounds, you win with most points from recipes/minion cards you collected, from round cards and drafted amber cards.

In the advanced version of the game, Terrain cards change the value of element cards in each of the rounds; if someone creates the minion represented by the Legendary Recipe, the game ends at the end of the round!

Not a new mechanism, this idea of collecting sets by drafting cards. The tactic for drafting elements is heavily restricted here by the double chance element of cards selected for a game and then the card distribution for a round. Nice, but not more!


Players: 3-6

Age: 14+

Time: 20+

Designer: Tomoki Motohashi

Artist: 310crouka

Price: ca. 30 Euro

Publisher: Takoashi Games 2015


Genre: Drafting, set collection

Users: With friends

Version: en

Rules: en es jp pl

In-game text:



Available cards for a game are chance-governed

Difficult to plan

Interesting drafting rules

Rules not clearly formulated


Compares to:

Set collecting games with drafting


Other editions:

Takoashi (es, jp)


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 1

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0