Pitch Fleet


For your final test, you maneuver a spaceship through the asteroid belt to the target planet. In three stages - all with detailed preparation specifications - of three rounds each you take turns to be active player. You put your own ship or that of a teammate onto the board according to the rules, select a card and have one attempt to move the ship with the indicated finger. Special movements must be enacted. When then a ship touches the table, it is outbound; for your own ship you lose a point and do not earn points from the card. Outbound opponent ships lose their owner a point, the active player gains a point. All outbound ships are then taken off the board. Then you check on landing on a planet or completion of the selected card.


Dextgerity game with a space topic, for 1-6 players, ages 6+


Publisher: TwoPlus Games 2015

Designer: Bono Light

Art: Bingtai Jiang, Tu Peishu

Web: www.2plus.com.tw

Stock #: 1508001


Users: For families

Special: 1 player


Version: multi * Rules: cn en * In-game text: no