Gotta Go!

Let someone else pay the bill


You go out for dinner with friends, but are planning to leave as quickly as you can so that whoever is left behind - depending on the number of players - will have to pick up the bill for all.

Cards show meals made up from combinations of one of seven dishes and one out of seven drinks, each combination exists only once. You are dealt three cards and hold them stacked face down, all other meal cards and Gotta Go! cards - one less than there are players - are on the table face-down. Now you take cards, one by one, using only one hand - first from your hand until empty, and then from the table. For each card you decide if you want to keep it or if you put it back, face down again. Should you find a Gotta Go! card you can keep it, announce it and stop playing for the round. If you want to go on, you put it back face-down and hope for another one for later. When all Gotta Go! cards have been found, the round ends - whoever did not get one, scores penalty points in relation to the cards he collected. Whoever got a Gotta Go! card, but has a dish or a drink twice, scores one penalty point. If you have a Gotta Go! card and no doubles on your cards you score the number of cards you collected, squared. Whoever reaches or passes 75 points first at the end of a round, wins.

Gotta Go! is a fast card game, where you need to think carefully about stopping or playing on, as you cannot take the Gotta Go! cards whenever you want but must wait if one appears - if it appears! And secure 4x4 points are better as insecure 6x6, or not? If you have time to spare you can use your neighbors' displays for your decisions, too.


Players: 3-10

Age: 8+

Time: 15+

Designer: Chu-Lan Kao

Artist: Tu Peishu

Price: ca. 10 Euro

Publisher: Swan Panasia 2012


Genre: Card collecting game

Users: For families

Special: Many players

Version: cn

Rules: en de en

In-game text: no



German rules for download

Available with rules from Smiling Monster

Nice gamily card game with a Can't Stop mechanism

Tactic in the timing of stopping to collect


Compares to:

Card collecting games with a stop mechanism


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 1

Action (dark green): 0