La Nuit du Grand Poulpe


Once the Grand Octopus reigned the world, but then he became imprisond at the Ocean floor. Players are one of the Elect chosen by the Illuminati to set up a cult and, as time has come for it, to awaken the Grand Octopus. To succeed you need special magical ingredients that you can find in a University for young wizards and witches. You secretly place cultists and monster marker on a location and then reveal it - when a cult is alone at a location it gets stronger; otherwise cultists must negotiate or all become weaker. But, should a rival monster be on the spot a cultist is eliminated. If you assemble all ingredients, you win.


Placement and collecting game for 3-5 players, ages 7+


Publisher: Superlude 2014

Designer: Frédéric Morard

Art: Jean-Baptiste Deynaud


Stock#: 07101


Users: For families

Age: 7


Version: fr * Rules: en fr * In-game text: no