

Projects for Noria’s future as paths and chambers at the City Hall. Knowledge shifts politicians in the chambers to change chamber values. You score for positions of your envoys on the paths for refining, settlement, exploration and research. For each path level, you pay with resources or goods. For actions - travel, resources, market, investments, production, city etc. - you activate discs in the active halves of three rings in your wheel. Phases of a turn are Wheel Changes (optional), Activation/Actions of up to three discs, Shifting and Removing of politicians and Administration with turning rings, take knowledge and integrating discs.


Steampunk economics game for 2-4 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Stronghold Games / Edition Spielwiese 2017

Designer: Sophia Wagner

Editing, development: Julian Steindorfer, Rolf Raupach, Roman Rybiczka

Artist: Michael Menzel, atelier 198, Holger Zimmermann


Stock#: SG-8031


Users: For experts

Version: en * Rules: de en + cn es fr it jp nl pt ru * In-game text: no