City of Spies: Double Agent
Your goal: The best spy network - all players send spies to locations to recruit more experienced spies. You place characters and markers on locations; when all markers are placed, you resolve location in sequence, for character abilities and location rules, the most powerful player wins the reward. After four rounds, you add points from characters in hand, completed missions and number of set-down tiles. The Double Agent expansion offers new options: A 5th player, two new locations - hotel and harbor with special rules, the ability Double Agent, two mission tiles and seven new characters, two of them with a new nationality.
Coproduction with Mesaboardgames
Expansion for City of Spies for 2-5 players, ages 10+
Publisher: Stronghold Games 2017
Designer: Gil d’Orey, Antonio Sousa Lara
Artist: Mihajlo Dimitrjevskj
Stock#: SG-7060
Users: For families
Version: en * Rules: de en pl pt * In-game text: no