Di Renjie


Di Renjie was a famous politician and detective in Tang Dynasty times in China. In his wake we are meant to find out victim, weapon and crime scene of a planned murder before it happens.

There are three cards each for six victims, five weapons and five crime scenes. At the start of the game you remove on card per type, as stated in the rules, and each player is shown two cards for further information. Then cards are dealt and the active player can in his turn 1) uncover clues by revealing the top-card of a triplet laid out 2) ask for card type or card number of still unrevealed clues, other players can hand over cards, but need not do so, and 3) lay out a triplet of clues face down and then draw 0-2 cards. So all players try to collect clues if three corresponding cards of a type. When eight sets have been collected, the game ends and you jot down your solution. When all players as a team have found the solution, each player scores points for his correct conclusion and collected triplets, and you win with the highest score. When the solution has not been deduced, all players lose together.


Deduction game with cards for 2-6 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Sunrise Tornado Game Studio 2012

Designer: Ta-Te Wu

Art: Haiyu Zjao, Ta-Te Wu

Web: www.sunrisetornado.com


Users: With friends


Version: multi * Rules: cn en + de fr it jp nl * In-game text: no