


Spezial                 1 2



16 Steine


Sedici – 16 in Italian – simply is the number of the square tiles in the game. If you split a square into 8 triangles and color in these triangles one by one and in all possible combinations you end up with 16 different square pieces, which are the playing pieces of this game.  Sedici shows all possibilities to combine this square tiles in a grid of size 4x4. When doing so you must always place white next to white and black next to black in a congruent way, the grid size of 4x4 may not be exceeded or changed.

Solutions featuring several distinct areas are rather simple to make up. It gets more difficult if an area must be cohesive and when both areas should be completely cohesive it is fiendishly difficult.

In a game for two players each player receives 8 tiles, one player gets the tiles that are mostly white, the other gets the tiles that are mostly black. The two tiles half white half black, one diagonally split, the other orthogonally, are assigned to players randomly. Both players place a tile alternately by adhering to the basic rules, and always with one edge touching a tile already placed. If you cannot place another tile you have lost the game.

In a variant you can assign the tiles to players randomly.

This is a solitaire game, but also a working challenge for two on their capacity of abstract and geometrical imagination and it is elegant and beautiful, too, the big tiles are nice to the touch. The designer has some advice for you: Leave gaps when placing tiles that only can be filled by one of your tiles. But that is already master level.


Spieler         : 1 or 2

Alter            : ages 8 and up

Dauer           : ca. 20 min


Autor           : Niek Neuwahl

Grafik          : Steffen Mühlhäuser

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 17,00 Euro

Verlag          : Steffen-Spiele 2010



Genre                    : Abstract placement game

Zielgruppe             : With friends

Mechanismen         : Place tile according to puzzle



More „think“ than „game“

Can be played by two

Beautiful components



Tangram und Spiele mit Flächenfüllung





Kreativität           2

Wissen_               2



Interaktion                   2

