Flizz & Miez

Das rasante Kinderspiel


The cat is chasing the racing cars - who can get furthest along the track? Depending on the number of players a driver, the cat and one or two race directors are playing, players take on those roles in turns. The driver lays out puzzle parts for complete racing cards, for each complete car his car on the track moves one step. The cat player rolls the die, for each cat the cat on the track advances one step. When the cat reaches the car or the car reaches the "Stop" sign, the turn ends. The puzzled card line is checked, for each car in different colors the car on the track must move one step back. When a car crosses the finish line the game ends when all players were drivers the same number of times, and you win if your car is in front.

Includes an advanced version for players of ages 8+, and an obstacle version.


Car race game for 2-4 players, ages 5+


Publisher: Stadlbauer Marketing + Vertrieb 2014

Series: Carrera Tabletop Games

Designer: Klemens Franz, Hanno Girke, Dale Yu

Art: Andreas Resch, Klemens Franz

Web: www.carreragames.com

Stock#: 80002


Users: For children


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no