Kesse Rüben


You have beets of one kind and a marker on the board, outside the barn. The active player challenges another player to a duel - both secretly take 0-2 beets from their stock in hand. Then challenger and challenged give a guess on the total number of beets, they must name different numbers. Whoever guesses correctly, must do this number of actions - place a beet on the board, relocate the marker to an adjacent case und - maybe - place an eventual opposing beet into the barn or place a marker into the barn and take back one of your beets from the barn. If you can place 13, 9 or 7 beets on the board, you win.


Joint production of Forum-Federatie vzw (Antwerpen, Belgien), Spiele Club Österreich (Wien), Spielekreis Darmstadt e.V., Spielezentrum Herne, Mister X (Düren, Deutschland), Club TreEmme (Modena, Italien) and Ducosim (Niederlande)


Betting game for 2-4 players


Publisher: Spiele Club Österreich 2015

Designer: Wil Dijkstra, Ben van Dijk

Artist: not named


Stock#: -


Users: For families


Version: all but TreEmme * Rules: be de it nl * In-game text: no