Capt’n Sharky Piraten-Rauferei

Capt’n Sharky Pirate Scrape


Capt’n Sharky against the rest of pirates: You begin with 5 cards of different colour and value. One player places a card and names its value; that is Sharky’s opponent. All others in turn can place a card of different colour and name the total value – Sharky’s opponent gets stronger – or place a card of the same colour. That changes direction of play and the strength of the opponent stays the same. If the strength is higher than 7, Sharky loses and is bitten by a crab. If you must make this happen you take all cards from the middle together with a crab. If one player is out of cards, the player with the least crabs wins.


Version                           : multi

Rules                              : de en fr nl

In-game use of language   : no


A game of cards for 2-5 players, ages 5 and up * Designer: Reiner Knizia * Illustration: Silvio Neuendorf * 20990, Die Spiegelburg, Germany, 2010 *** Coppenrath Verlag GmbH & Co. KG * bEdition Die Spiegelburg