Capt’n Sharky Knobel-Piraten


In your turn you decide on one of the specifications on your dice sheet which you want to meet and roll all five dice. Then you set aside all dice, which you can use to meet this specification or do not want to use. You can re-roll unused dice for a second and third roll. Dice already set aside cannot be rolled again. If you have completed a specification you put a cross in the corresponding row on the sheet. When you cannot complete a task within a round your turn ends and you cannot mark your sheet. New edition in a tin.


Dice game for 2-4 players, ages 5+


Publisher: Die Spiegelburg

Art: Silvio Neuendorf


Stock #: 21507


Users: For children

Age: 5


Version: de * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: