Combi Wort


The active player rolls 13 letter dice and the timer is activated. You form words using the visible letter on the dice and arrange them in crossword style. The joker blank replaces any letter, but is not scored. When the timer has run out, you add the letter values in your words –a letter used  in two words is scored twice – and deduct the value of unused letters. For more than six players, team play with two players per team is recommended.

Later editions as Letra-Mix and Wordsalat at Schmidt Spiele, also in cooperation with foreign publishers.


Letter and word placement game for 1 or more players, no age given

Wort- und Buchstabenspiel für 1 oder mehr Spieler


Publisher: SISO Sieber GmbH + CO KG

Stock #: 12/0606


Users: For families


Special: 1 player

Special: Many players


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no