




High Frontier

A game of ExoglObalization


Private companies and government institutions race each other to construct factories for nanotechnologies in space, water in LEO = Low Earth Orbit is the key to success and also means for payment.

Players research and construct rockets to prospect for promising sites in the Inner Solar system and to industrialize them. The rocket needs to be researched, boosted and loaded with fuel. Water serves as fuel and currency at the same time, the rockets have differing specification values and can be put out of service to enable you to build new ones.

Robonaut teams prospect for new sites. Then you build an extraterrestrial factory by transporting a refinery and a robonaut to the site. Each factory earns you victory points in relation to its resources exploitation. The possible actions to choose from are Income, Research, Free Market, Boost, Prospect, Refuel, Industrialize or extraterrestrial production. This is followed by spacecraft movement.

When a player has built 3 extraterrestrial factories or 2 space ventures pays 5 water tanks or when a specific number of extraterrestrial factories has been built the player with most victory points wins the game.

High Frontier is a special tidbit for experienced players with a special interest in technology. Despite the competitive character of the game you are allowed lots of freedom in closing deals with other players. The game started as “Lords of Sierra Madre in Space” and is based on real and extensively describes technology! The expansion features new planets, events, pirates, conflict and politics in space, accompanied by 24 new patens and a solitary version.


Players         : 2-5

Age             : 12+

Duration       : 180+

Designer      : Phil Eklund

Artist           : Phil Eklund

Price            : ca. 60 Euro

Publisher      : Sierra Madre Games

Web             :

Genre          : Development game

Users           : For experts

Special         : 1 player (expansion)

Version        : en

Rules           : en

In-game text : yes



Interesting topic *Copious rules with technical explanations * gaming experience necessary


Compares to:

Lords of the Sierra Madre, other complex development games


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance                1

Tactic                   3

Strategy__          3

Creativity            0

Knowledge          0

Memory               0

Communication   3

Interaction          3

Dexterity             0

Action                  0