

In Greenland, from the 11th to the 15th century, players represent three tribes, who secure food, resources and technology, struggle with climate and lack of resources and vacillate between monotheism and polytheism. You play six phases: Resolve events, fights, animal migration, cooling and auction when a ship arrives - Assign hunters with hunting, collect resources, colonization, raids for women or animals, advancement to Elder - Negotiation - Evaluate hunting - Pay for domestic animals - Actions of elders. Scoring is based on orientation - successful hunting / polytheism or gathering / monotheism.


Worker placement game for 1-3 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Sierra Madre Games 2014

Designer: Phil Eklund, Philipp Klarmann

Artist: Karim Chakroun, Phil Eklund


Stock#: SMG33


Users: For experts

Special: 1 player

Special: 2 players


Version: en * Rules: en * In-game text: yes