Picco Camillo


Each player tries to invite as many friends of possible out of the house to himself. The box is the house, all 12 pieces are in the house. In his turn a player turns the spin-top, if it falls on a colour he may take a friend of this colour, if none is left in the house, then from a friend. If the spin-top turns onto the house, one may take any friend. For the cake a player receives a friend from each other player, for the arrow each player gives his friends to his left neighbour. If the last friend is taken out of the flat, the player with the most friends wins.


Accumulation game * Series: Picco * 2 or more players from age 4 * Designer: Reiner Knizia * Graphics: Ales Vrtal * ca. 10 min * 3089, Selecta, Germany, 2005 *** Selecta Spielzeug GmbH * www.selecta-spielzeug.de * info@selecta-spielzeug.de