The heroes of the realm climb the four magical towers to find the treasures that have been stolen by the birds. Each player has 4 chips, the cards are shuffled and stacked with the tower side upwards, 4 of these cards are laid out next to each other. In his turn a player rolls the dice, adds the points together and puts his chip on that number on any of the cards. There may only be one chip of a player on each card, but a player may put his chip on top of the chip of another player. When all four chips are placed, each player takes the card on which his chip is on the highest number. On the back of the card he finds a treasure, when he has two of a kind he lays them out face up. When all tower cards are distributed, the player with the most treasure-pairs wins.


Dice game * 2-4 children from age 6 * Author: Heinz Meister * ca. 15 min * Serie: Bring-mich-mit-Spiele * 51049, Schmidt Spiele, 2000 *** Schmidt Spiel + Freizeit GmbH * Ballinstraße 16 * D-12359 Berlin * Fon: +49-30-6839020 * Fax: +49-30-6859078 *