For Children



Easyplay Kids


Kid              ein    





Alter            5       



60 cards feature six different images from the Indian culture. At the start of the game a village is made up from 6 tepees consisting of two cards each! Pay attention to the outer and inner sides of the cards! You roll all dice for three symbols. All players try simultaneously and as fast as possible to find a tepee that shows as many of the symbols as possible. You may rise and walk around the table and look underneath the tepee, but must never touch a tepee! If you think you have found a good tipi, you place your Indian in front of it and start to run round the table once. While you are running the other players may go on looking and placing their Indians. Attention! Only one Indian is allowed in front of a tepee. When you have finished your round, you call out “Tepee” and searching and placing ends. If a player has not now placed his Indian, he cannot do so anymore. Players in turn now show the tepee of their choice to the other players. If you found the majority of symbols you win the the tepee. If one of the dice shows a cross, we play a special Taboo round: All players look for a tepee that does not show any of the symbol on the two other dice.

For the next round we fill up the village with tepees so that there are again six tepees in the circle. The first player to collect five tepees wins the game. If all cards have been used before that, the player with the most tepees wins the game.

An absolutely fabulous game! It is definitely the best in the new Easyplay Kids series – especially notable for the combination of concentration and exercise.


Spieler         : 2-4

Alter            : ages 5 and up

Dauer           : ca. 15 min


Autor           : Steffen Bogen

Grafik          : Gabriele Silveira

Vertrieb A.   : Schmidt Spiele

Preis            : ca. 13,0 Euro

Verlag          : Schmidt Spiele 2010


Genre                    : Search and movement

Zielgruppe             : For children

Mechanismen         : Find images quickly


Zufall                     : 2

Wissen                  : 4

Planung                 :

Kreativität              :

Kommunikation      :

Geschicklichkeit      : 5

Action                   : 6



Serie2 Easyplay Kids

Simple Mechanism

Needs space

Rules in four languages

Spiele Hit for Children 2010



First game with this combination of mechanisms


English Title: Tipi