

Players boast about their riches, and depending on number of players each player is "boaster" a different number of times. The "boaster" gets 9 of the 54 cards, if there are more than three of one kind, he gets new cards. The rest of the cards is shuffled again, the other players get 9 each, there may be more than three cards of the same kind. The "boaster" plays 3 times 3 cards and names them, the other players counter with their cards. The aim for them is to keep up with the boaster to the 3. set of 3. He can play cards identical to those of the boaster or cards totally different from the boaster but with a higher total in value or 2 cards like the boaster with at least one of higher value than the boaster's card. If the players could not keep up with the boaster, he receives money from them, if a player goes bankrupt, he is out of the game, in the end the player with the most money wins.


Tactical Card game *  2-6 players from age 8 * Author: Jürgen P.K. Grunau *  ca. 30 min * ca. 5 € * 75014, Schmidt Spiele, 2000 *** Schmidt Spiel + Freizeit GmbH * Ballinstraße 16 * D-12359 Berlin * Fon: +49-30-6839020 * Fax: +49-30-6859078 *