Playmobil Super 4
Die Zeit läuft!
Together with the Super 4 - Knight Alex, Pirate Ruby, Agent Gene and Fairy Twinkle - players must keep the upper hand against their arch enemies - Sharkbeard, Dr. X, Baba Cara and the Black Baron - and, as mission goals, complete four tasks in four Super 4 worlds and collect four golden key tiles.
A big board showing four Super 4 worlds and gates between them is set up, a small plan for villain movement and placement of clock markers is laid out, as are two out of ten task cards, demanding either two given or any three characters together in one of the worlds or any two characters on the case of the depicted arch enemy. Players can consult with each other at any time during the game.
You roll all dice: For a number on the grey dice you move the opponent marker; if it crosses the red line you turn over a time marker -> an Alien is discarded; a clock is placed on the board. Then you select two colored dice and move those characters, either on the current world or with one step through a gate to another world. When the movement of a character completes a task, you set the card aside and replace it with one from the stack. If a character reaches a key tile, you reveal it -> when the color of tile and character correspond, you take the key tile. If you must place the last clock tile before all mission tasks are completed, all players lose the game together.
A fun game, set in attractive and well-known adventure worlds, and of course you can play with your own Playmobil characters instead of the cardboard ones that come with the game; the necessary joint tactical considerations provide a thrilling and challenging experience.
Players: 1-4
Age: 6+
Time: 20+
Designer: Wolfgang Dirscherl
Artist: not named
Price: ca. 22 Euros
Publisher: Schmidt Spiele 2016
Genre: Roll & move, cooperation
Users: For children
Special: 1 player
Version: multi
Rules: de fr it
In-game text: no
Based on the Playmobil TV series
Does not come with a Playmobil figurine
After in introductory game, children can play alone
Also a nice family game
Compares to:
Roll & move games set in toy universes
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 2
Tactic (turquoise): 2
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 2
Interaction (brown): 2
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0