My Rummy 111
card sorting with gaps
Sorting cards in ascending or descending order! 110 cards with numbers from2 to 111 are well shuffled and each player is dealt 12 cards; you may not change the sequence of those cards when picking them up and fanning them out. From the remaining stack, three cards are laid out as a face-down display. As the active player, you take a card from this display and sort it into your cards, at any position of your choice. Then you take the card that now is at the left or right position of the newly placed card and put it open-faced on the table into the spot of the taken card. If you place the taken card at the right or left end position of your hand, you can also discard the card at the other end position. The next player can now the open card or one of the two face-down cards, etc. When three open-faced cards are on the table, the active player can either swap a card as usual or set all three open cards aside and lay out three face-down cards. Then you swap a card from your hand with one of the face-down cards.
If you have sorted your cards in ascending or descending order, whereby gaps are of no importance, you show your and and round ends. Your hand is controlled; when all is correct, you score the number of joker symbols on the cards. When there is a mistake in the row, all other players score for their longest or most valuable correct row. If someone scores 60 points, you win with most points. You can play with more cards and also with varying card numbers per player.
Nice, simple and not too easy and also tactical, it is better to keep consequently to one direction instead of changing it too often.
Players: 2-5
Age: 8+
Time: 20+
Designer: Steffen Benndorf
Artist: Leon Schiffer
Price: ca. 9 Euro
Publisher: Schmidt Spiele 2017
Genre: Card sorting
Users: For families
Version: multi
Rules: de en fr it
In-game text: no
God filler game
Quickly explained
Easy to play, but not that easy
Very good family game
Compares to:
The Game and other card sorting games
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 2
Tactic (turquoise): 2
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 2
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0