Ligretto Twist

Hands down for the Game


Ligretto – who does not know the fast game on discarding number cards in ascending order onto stacks in the middle of the table? Ligretto Twist is based on the same mechanism, you place cards from your personal stack onto stacks in the middle, but according to colors instead of numbers.

The game features the colors red, yellow, green and blue; color stacks in the middle are started with cards in the middle. For two players one card per color is laid down with enough space in between, for 3-4 players you use two cards of each color, placed into 2 rows of 4 cards each, again with enough space and in a way that two cards of the same color are not next to each other. Each player is dealt 38 or 40 cards, respectively, and stacks them on the table. On a starting signal all turn up a card from their stack and place it on the corresponding stack in the middle, but: The stack just used must then be covered with the hand you used to place the card, until you discard another card on a stack with your other hand. Cards which you cannot immediately place are stacked in a temporary personal stack. This temporary stack becomes your new stack when you are through your first stack. If you block a stack that you need for yourself you can change hands. When you are out of cards you win the round! The other players score the number of cards left in their stack for negative points. After five rounds you win the game with fewest negative points.

A hectic, fun, fast game, knots and collisions are pre-programmed! In any case a fun version of the classic game and a good training for ambidextrous actions.


Players: 2-4

Age: 6+

Time: 10+

Designer: Opi And Me

Artist: not named

Price: ca. 8,50 Euro

Publisher: Schmidt Spiele 2011


Genre: Card discarding and reaction game

Users: For families

Version: multi

Rules: de es fr it nl

In-game text: no



Witty version

Trains simultaneous use of both hands


Compares to:

All other editions of Ligretto


Other editions:

Currently none

Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 3

Action (dark green): 3