Ligretto is
a fast card game where all players are involved at the same time. As many cards
of the same colour as possible should be placed in the middle in the sequence
1-10. Each player has 40 cards of one colour and one motive on the back. The
players separate their cards into Ligretto – a stack of 10 cards, numbers up -,
into Row – 3 cards number up, side by side, next to ligretto-, and Hand, motive
up and held in one’s hand. A player starts with the 1 and now all put cards
down at the same time, from all three stacks, each player can put cards in each
row. For the decreasing and increasing of stacks there are exact rules, if a
Ligretto is finished, the turn ends and is scared: Cards in the middle count 1
point, cards in a Ligretto 2 minus points, cards in hand and cards in row
othing. Children’s edition with animal motives.
Card game *
2-5 Spieler ab 6 Jahren * ca. 10 min * ca. 5 € * 01401, Schmidt Spiele,
Deutschland, 2001 *** Schmidt Spiele GmbH * Ballinstraße 16 * D-12359 Berlin *
Fon: +49-30-6839020 * Fax: +49-30-6859078 * *